Dr. A.T. Still
Dr. A.T. Still


Osteopathic Medicine finds its roots in the pioneering work of Dr. Andrew Taylor Still, who challenged the medical practices of his time. In 1874, Dr. Still developed a groundbreaking philosophy that viewed the body as an interconnected unit, where all its systems work harmoniously to maintain health. This idea was revolutionary, as it diverged from the prevailing notion of treating diseases in isolation. Dr. Still emphasized the significance of the musculoskeletal system, recognizing that structural imbalances could lead to dysfunction and illness. His philosophy laid the groundwork for the modern practice of Osteopathic Medicine, which continues to evolve and adapt to contemporary medical knowledge.
Explore the basics of osteopathy

Fundamental Osteopathic Principles

The Body as a Unit

Unlike traditional medicine, which often focuses on isolated symptoms, Osteopathic Medicine views the body as a unified entity. Each system influences and interacts with the others, emphasizing the importance of considering the whole person.

Reciprocal Relationship of Structure and Function

Osteopathy recognizes that structural abnormalities can affect bodily functions, and vice versa. This understanding guides Osteopathic Physicians in diagnosing and treating not just symptoms, but underlying causes.

Self-Regulating Mechanisms

The body possesses its own mechanisms for maintaining health and balance. Osteopathic Physicians trust in the body's innate ability to heal and regulate itself, and they work to support and enhance these mechanisms.

Rational Therapy

Osteopathic Physicians base their treatments on a profound understanding of anatomy, physiology, and pathology. This knowledge allows them to provide targeted and effective care.
Osteopathic Medicine isn't limited to addressing physical ailments. It also takes into account environmental, emotional, and psychological factors that contribute to a patient's well-being.


Digestive Problems

Osteopathic treatment offers a holistic approach to childhood health problems. For newborns, misaligned abdominal fascia causing digestive issues can be corrected, promoting normal digestion. Injuries to the lower back or sacrum can lead to digestive troubles, and osteopathic care targets the pelvic diaphragm to restore proper function, particularly vital after injuries or surgery. Vague complaints like tummy aches and nausea find relief through this approach. Osteopathic treatment provides a comprehensive way to alleviate childhood digestive and urinary issues, supporting healthier development.

Keep reading about osteopathy and digestion
Sick ChildDiagram of down syndrome chromosomes

Down Syndrome

Osteopathic manipulative treatment (OMT) can benefit individuals with Down syndrome by improving body structure and function interrelation. Down syndrome, caused by a third copy of chromosome 21, involves developmental and muscle tone challenges. OMT can address structural anomalies contributing to characteristic facial features and health complications. OMT can improve sinus and respiratory issues, growth delays, and motor skill development by addressing cranial shape, neural pathways, and skeletal abnormalities.

Learn more about OMT and down syndrome

Orthopedic Problems

Childhood orthopedic problems are often seen in the lower extremities like feet, legs, knees, and hips. Birth-related stress or prolonged growth can lead to various issues. Osteopathic manipulative treatment (OMT) can help correct structural problems caused by birth complications or other factors. OMT can address conditions like congenital hip issues, tibial torsion, gait abnormalities, and sports injuries, promoting healthy structural growth and preventing long-term problems.

Discover how OMT can alleviate orthopedic issues
Child with a broken ankleChild with a cold

Respiratory Health

The common cold is an opportunity for a child's immune system to develop, but complications like pneumonia can be problematic. Osteopathic manipulative treatment (OMT) can prevent complications by addressing lymphatic drainage, muscle tension, and structural issues related to respiratory health. OMT can also aid in respiratory allergies and asthma by optimizing rib cage and diaphragm function, reducing the need for medication and improving immune responses.

Dive deeper into respitory health and osteopathy

Treatment for Newborns

Osteopathic treatment for newborns aims to correct structural stresses caused by the birth process. Birth complications can lead to various issues, and osteopathic manipulative treatment (OMT) helps babies recover and develop optimally. OMT addresses skull and nerve issues caused by birth, helping to resolve irritability, developmental delays, and other problems.

Learn more about OMT and infants
Infant baby

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